Power Trim
Power Trim Edger
- 3.5hp Briggs and Stratton Pulsa-Jet engine.
- Adjust cutting blade to any angle for easy edging.
- Just turn the blade flat to trim.
- Tilt edger up on front wheels to trim circles and curves easily.
MSRP $649.95MSRP is not reflective of our price -- Visit or Contact Us!
Power Trim Edger
- 4.0hp Honda engine
- Curb-hopping front wheel rides in a 6" curb when edging.
- Adjust cutting blade to any angle for easy edging.
- Tilt edger up on front wheels to trim circles and curves easily.
MSRP $839.99MSRP is not reflective of our price -- Visit or Contact Us! In addition to the featured products listed above, we have many more available in store!
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